Monthly Archives: April 2016


When to Consider a Professional Advisor

By Drew Hefflefinger, CFP® Knowing when to seek professional help is not always clear. If we break our leg, it is pretty obvious we should see a doctor immediately. However, knowing when to engage with a competent and professional advisor can be a little vague --- At its core it is all about transitions. When we make transitions we are typically faced with major financial decisions. Some decisions appear straight forward --- larger mortgage payments decease [...]

By | 2016-04-29T19:34:24+00:00 April 29th, 2016|Financial Planning|0 Comments

Income: Your Greatest Financial Asset

By Drew Hefflefinger, CFP® The ability to generate income is typically a young professional’s greatest financial asset. To keep life afloat today and build for the future requires regular incoming cash flow. To break this down there are two primary themes to consider --- what you can, and cannot control. What is your greatest financial asset? To many it stumps --- from homeowners I often hear, “my home”. However, this is not true in many [...]

By | 2016-04-14T16:26:17+00:00 April 14th, 2016|Financial Planning|0 Comments