Financial Bites for Baby Sharks: Introduction

//Financial Bites for Baby Sharks: Introduction

Financial Bites for Baby Sharks: Introduction

By Drew Hefflefinger, CFP®

As part of a new bi-monthly series, “Financial Bites for Baby Sharks” will focus on personal finance topics that are relatable and targeted towards young attorneys. The goal of the series is to inform readers on a variety of topics that can affect their personal finances.

First, I would like to say thank you to the Denver Bar Association for the opportunity to contribute to the blog. After reading a few posts I can say with confidence that this is a great place to learn and stay connected to the local legal community.

To introduce myself, I am a graduate of the University of Colorado – Boulder were I studied marketing and economics. Since the start of my career I have been committed to helping people make smart decisions with their money. In this series you can expect posts on a variety of topics that relate to your own financial life. Plan to see posts on how to reduce student debt, structure you bank accounts, set financial goals, optimize saving strategies, and so on. In addition, expect interviews with local attorneys and comments on major financial events. My goal through this series is to better help you, the attorney, on the many complex financial decisions you face.

Why “Financial Bites for Baby Sharks”? Two fold. One, a blog post should be a quick and relatively easy read, hence “bites”. Two, I wish my profession’s bad boy nickname was “Shark”! Although the term historically has a bad connotation let’s twist the definition and relate it to a “pool shark”; an expert in a specified field.

Once again, thank you for the opportunity and in advance of your reader/viewership. I hope by the end of every post you feel educated, confident, and a little entertained!

Be back soon…

Drew Hefflefinger is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ at Private Client Wealth Advisors, LLC in Denver, Colorado. Drew specializes in working with young attorneys by helping them make smart and informed decisions with their money. Drew can be contacted at

By | 2016-03-18T17:37:42+00:00 March 18th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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